Monday 11 February 2013

Barcelona Dos

Another sunny day in Barcelona.
I loved these ornate lamps and lamposts everywhere. They looked like fancy earrings to me.





There was a large area devoted to buildings for the 1992 Summer Olympics, eerily empty now. Ben in front of Olympic Stadium:

Walking downhill from these building, we came across the most extraordinary "city of the dead": 

Montjuic Cemetary, built on the side of a hill facing the sea, is a huge necropolis (56 hectares) where many of Barcelona's eminent citizens rest, including artist Joan Miro. We were almost alone here among the winding "streets" of glass-fronted mausoleums and statues and felt overwhelmed by the flowers, small tokens and names upon names, representing lives lived.
 There were orange trees everywhere in public parks, with of temptingly ripe-looking ones at the top and not so many on the lower branches. Everyday I mentioned to Ken that they looked tempting, and that other people must pick them or there would be more within reach. I guess he got tired of me saying that and so this day, just after this photo was taken, he picked one for me. Unfortunately and fittingly, the orange tasted very bitter and was inedible--a marmalade orange I guess. Served me right. Maybe there are CCTVs with camera trained on tourists like us, just for a laugh when we bite into those oranges.

We bought a bag of oranges every day after that.

There were many stunning fountains in Barcelona. This was our favouite:

Sometimes the boys get tired of art galleries and museums, and so Ken and I take turns visiting them on our own. I loved my visit to MACBA, a contemporary art museum. The boys loved their visit to the zoo. No pictures of the zoo to show however, since I had the camera! 
After several museums, I feel quite satiated, like I can't absorb any more extreme beauty. Thankfully, art is everywhere outside, waiting, when I feel this way!
Always wished for one of these. Maybe someday.
Even though the beach wasn't really "in season", we loved walking along the waterfront.
Two Canucks could not resist dipping their feet in:
One die-hard Canuck left dipping his feet in:
Hope to come back again, Barcelona.
Whew! Now it was time for a more managable pace back in England.
 I've been thinking about this sabbatical as a mix of 'fast travel' and 'slow travel'. Paris and Barcelona were the fast, whereas the day-to-day living in England is the slow. Both are great and have lots to teach a person.
Thanks for reading!


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